Bradley Thomas has voted against the Government’s £25 billion raid on businesses.
In its manifesto, the Government promised not to raise National Insurance and they also promised businesses they would deliver stability.
Sadly, following a vote in the House of Commons yesterday (December 3rd), the Government has broken its promises by introducing a £25 billion Jobs Tax which is already having a devastating impact on the economy with business confidence plummeting.
As a result of the Government’s changes, businesses have warned that there will be fewer jobs created as the price of employing a worker rises, resulting in lower wages for working people and higher prices in shops.
The independent Office for Budget Responsibility has confirmed the Government’s Jobs Tax will reduce wages by £7.5billion and result in higher prices.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies also warned that the Jobs Tax will hit the lowest paid the hardest, as it will be passed down through lower wages and fewer job opportunities for part-time and lower paid workers.
Bradley said:
“Without a thriving private sector, there is no public sector to fund at all. I wish the Government would acknowledge that much more vehemently and clearly than it appears to.
“This Government’s £25 billion raid on businesses with their Jobs Tax will hit working people in Bromsgrove and the Villages with lower wages, fewer job opportunities, and force businesses to close.
“I voted against this Jobs Tax because to have voted for it would have meant accepting a flatlining economy, higher inflation, higher prices and bills, job losses and business closures. That’s not a situation I can accept, but this Government has.
“Sadly, what we see from this Government is an ideological pursuit of a policy that is really a false economy. They are failing the very working people they claim to be protecting.”